Shoebox School Bus

Prepare for back to school with this Shoebox School Bus. Boys and girls will both enjoy making this craft as you talk about the fun adventures that come with seeing old friends and making new ones.
Toilet paper tubes
Paint brush
Yellow and Black Acrylic paint
Crayons or colored pencils
White glue or hot glue gun
Editor's note: Make sure that an adult is in charge of the hot glue gun.
A shoebox is used as the bus' main body. Glue the lid on if it is not attached.
Find a smaller box for the bus' front section. It may be hard to find a box that exactly matches the size of the tissue box What you can do is to find a smaller box whose width is approximately the same as the tissue box's height. The small box's height can always be adjusted by trimming off from the top like I did with this Pop Tarts box. Use white glue or hot glue gun to connect the two boxes.
Once dry, paint the bus with yellow acrylic paint or poster paint. You can paint on the windows and other details if you like or add these details later on.
Instead of painting on the details, you can wait for the painted bus to dry before gluing or drawing on the details. An easy way of adding details is to cut them out from paper (e.g. windows and fender) or draw them with crayons or colored pencils.
Buttons , plastic gems, sequins or small coins are interesting materials to use as headlights and tail lights.
Prepare 2 or more toilet paper tubes. Make tires by drawing and cutting out circles from black construction paper. The tires should be equal to or larger than the toilet paper tube's diameter.
Draw and color a small white circle at the center of each tire. Finally, glue a tire at each end of a toilet paper tube.
Use white glue or hot glue gun to attach the toilet paper tubes at the bottom of the truck or bus. You can put more than 2 pairs of wheels.
If you want to make your bus into a pull-along toy, tape a string from inside the front section of the vehicle.
Wait for the glue to dry before positioning the vehicle upright and taking it for a test drive.

A free resource for fun and educational kids' crafts, the site features a step-by-step guide for each craft project and includes printable templates, art recipes, and environment-friendly tips for crafting.
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