Spooky Halloween Heads

These Spooky Halloween Heads are here to remind you that it is time to get your creative cap on for Halloween. The decorations, the costumes, the parties all need advance planning.
*FloraCraft® Foam:
Four - Balls, 4″ diameter
One – Green block, 1 15/16″ x 3 7/8″ x 11 7/8″
Scrap of FloraCraft® Foam
*12″ x 12″ Decorative Paper, 2 “Black Raindrop”
White or ivory fabric, approx. 45″ wide x 1/2 yd.
Six wiggle eyes, 30 mm diameter
Spider web with plastic spider
Brads, eight, 3/4″ diameter, any colors
Wood dowels, 1/2″ diameter: two 6″ and one 8″ length
*Color Tool® Spray Paint: White, Olive Bright, Purple and Orange
*Home Décor Spray Stain, Pecan
*X-ACTO® Gripster® Knife with new blade
*X-ACTO® 12″ Metal Ruler
*X-ACTO® 8″ Scissors
*Craft Bond™ Extra Strength Glue Stick
*Craft Bond™ Fabric & Craft Glue
Plastic spoon
Plastic container
Old newspapers
For base, cut two 2″ x 4″ pieces from decorative paper. Using glue stick, cover each end of foam block, folding corners as you would wrap a present. Apply glue stick to bottom of block and wrap 12″ x 12″ paper all around block, trimming, slightly overlapping and gluing other end on bottom. (If needed, spot glue as you wrap around block.) Set aside.
For Halloween heads, tear fabric into 1″ x 45″ strips. (Cut strips in half for ease in wrapping around heads.)
Cover work area with newspapers. Use spoon to mix two parts fabric & craft glue to one part water in small container. Place one strip at a time into mixture to dampen. Remove excess glue by pinching and sliding fingers along strip (as you do with paper mache) and wrap around one foam ball. Align and overlap pieces until head is completely covered. Locate and lift up front strips where eyes can be tucked in later. Repeat with other two balls. Let dry.
In a well-ventilated, newspaper-covered area, spray one head green and one orange. Also spray two of each color brad: white, green, orange and purple. (Hint: Place brads into scrap of FloraCraft® Foam to spray.) Let all dry.
Plan placement of dowels and make holes with craft knife. Insert dowels into base with 8″ length in middle. Decide which part of head is bottom (based on where eyes will go). Use craft knife to cut small hole in bottom of head and press onto dowel in base. If necessary, use tacky glue to hold.
Stretch spider web over centerpiece weaving between heads and around base. Randomly insert brads into front of base. Glue spider onto one of the heads.
To antique, lightly mist entire centerpiece with pecan spray stain. Let dry. Tuck and glue eyes into strips on each head.

FloraCraft(r), locally owned and operated in Michigan, has beenserving the craft and floral industries for 65 continuous years, providing quality STYROFOAM(tm) Brand Foam in shapes and sheets. We are dedicated to helping beginners and professionals achieve their best results, FloraCraft products are the foundation of every great project.
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