Sun Calendar

Little kids will enjoy saying good morning to the day with this Sun Calendar that tells them the day of the week and the date. One look at this sunny calendar and they can’t help but start their day with a smile.
Card Stock: 8 ½” x 11 ½” of White, Yellow,
Tangerine, Orange
Elmer’s® Paintastics® Paint Brush Pen: Black
Elmer’s® Painters® Opaque Paint Markers,
Fine Tip: Black and red
Fiskars® KidZors®
2 Brass Fasteners
Elmer’s® Dual Tip No Wrinkle Glue Pen
Fiskars® scissors
Fisakars® 3/8” Circle Hand Punch
Click on Printables and transfer and cut out all shapes.
Trace patterns onto card stock. Cut out all pieces following pattern instructions. Punch hole on medium Yellow circle with 3/8” Hand Punch. Punch one tiny hole in center of each circle using pointy tip of scissors.
Draw outlines around edge of Orange and Tangerine sun, Yellow circles, edges of eyes, mouth, “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE” on small Yellow face and one month on each point of Orange sun with Black fine tip marker. Dot freckles and highlight mouth with Red fine tip marker. Attach small Yellow circle on front of small White circle with one Brass fastener. Use fine tip Black marker. Print “Mon.” inside mouth opening. Turn face just enough to hide Mon. so that mouth opening is clear. Print “Tues.” inside mouth opening. Continue same process for Wed. thru Sun. Attach large Yellow and White circles together in same manner. Print 1 thru 31 inside 3/8” opening in same manner as for days of the week.
Use Black Paintastics brush pen to paint a 1” x 1” piece of White card stock Black. Let dry. Punch out two 3/8” circles from Black with Hand Punch. Glue Black circles in place on eyes. Glue eyes in place on face.
Remove brass fastener from large White and Yellow circles. Open brass fastener on back of face and one at a time add large Yellow circle, large White circles, Tangerine then Orange sun shapes. Turn White circles to set the day and date. Turn Orange circle to set the month.
This craft was designed by Dimples Mucharino.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print
HANDS ON Crafts for Kids
Remember what we all say at Hands On Crafts for Kids, ”there’s no right or wrong way to crafting…only our way!” We hope that you will join us for Hands On Crafts for Kids – Back to Basics.

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