Tabletop Gobbler

Turkeys are the symbol of Thanksgiving and here is yet another unique way to decorate the Thanksgiving table for the occasion.
FloraCraft® Brand Products:STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam:
2 Discs, 11 7/8″ x 15/16″
2 Discs, 5 7/8″ x 1 3/16″
Design It:® Foam Cutter
Hickory Home Décor Stain (Design Master®)
Olive Bright Color Tool® Spray Color (Design Master®)
Yellow Color Tool® Spray Color (Design Master®)
Plastic cutlery in: orange, green, red and yellow
1 Orange beverage napkin
2 – 40mm wiggle eyes
1 Green paper cup
2 White-plastic serving forks
Glue gun and glue sticks
3 Toothpicks
1.To make a flat surface, use foam cutter to trim 1″ x 6″ length off edge of each large disc.
2.In a well-ventilated area, protect work area with newspapers. Spray both large discs and one small disc with Hickory stain. Spray all sides and edges. Let dry. On one side of each large disc and one small disc darken edges by spraying a second layer of paint. Let dry. Spray remaining small disc Olive Bright. Let dry. Align cut edges and glue large discs together (with darkened edges to the outside) by placing glue into center of discs only. (Note: By leaving outside unglued, cutlery will easily slip in and out.)
3.For base, measure and lightly mark a guideline with a pencil at center of green disc. Cut three toothpicks in half and insert cut end into pencil line, evenly spaced apart. For turkey body, apply glue to cut edge of large disc unit and insert onto toothpicks.
4.For feet, cut serving forks in half. Discard handles. Spray with yellow paint. Let dry. Then push short handle approx. 1″ into base, close to turkey.
5.For head, glue small brown disc to bottom front of turkey. For turkey beak, diagonally fold napkin in half. Glue folded edge to center of face. Then glue wiggle eyes close to beak. Cut paper cup in half, apply glue and attach at an angle to top of turkey’s head.
6.For “cutlery feathers” plan color order of 13 pair of cutlery on work surface. Starting at top center of disc body, carefully insert cutlery to create fanned feathers. (Note: Turkey may be used year after year if children use a little care in removing cutlery. Simply replace cutlery the next year.)
This project is reprinted courtesy of Flora Craft and can be found on

FloraCraft(r), locally owned and operated in Michigan, has beenserving the craft and floral industries for 65 continuous years, providing quality STYROFOAM(tm) Brand Foam in shapes and sheets. We are dedicated to helping beginners and professionals achieve their best results, FloraCraft products are the foundation of every great project.
I think this is cool but it needs too much supplies
Some crafts require more supplies than others but we do have a number of projects that use supplies you may already have around the house. Hope you find one you’d like to try.