Tissue Paper Dinosaur

Dinosaurs are a favorite topic of kids. This easy Dinosaur craft will inspire young minds to delve into the early age of our planet.
Black construction paper
Clear contact paper
Tissue paper in a variety of colors
Dinosaur template
White crayon
Click on Printables and print out our dinosaur template. Cut the dinosaur out and trace onto black construction paper with a white crayon. Cut the dinosaur out of the black construction paper.
Cut out the middle of the dinosaur leaving approximately 1/2" of the outside intact. Discard the center you just cut out.
Peel the backing paper off of the contact paper and stick your dinosaur outline onto it Cut the excess contact paper off.
Cut a small circle out of black construction paper and stick it on the contact paper for the eye.
Cut a small curved shape out of black construction paper and stick it on the contact paper for a smile.
Cut tissue paper into 1 inch squares. Make sure to use a few different colors.
Stick the tissue paper onto the dinosaur making sure to overlap the pieces.
Trim off any tissue paper that hangs over the black outline of the dinosaur .
Hang up on a sunny window.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

All Kids Network is a network of websites dedicated to providing fun and educational activities for parents and teachers to do with their kids. We have hundreds of kids craft ideas, kids worksheets, printable kids activities and more. So far, we have two main sites - allkidsnetwork.com and kidslearningstation.com.
want this dinosaur tempplate for preschool
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