Turkey Tic Tac Toe Fun

Turkey Tic Tac Toe Fun is a new look to a game that has been around for years. The kids will have fun making the game pieces and then playing the game in anticipation of Thanksgiving.
Felt circles (hand cut … no need to be exact): I used a tan-ish color for these.
Felt triangles (again .. hand cut).
Two colors of buttons: orange and green
Ribbons and/or Ric Rac in several colors
Adhesive magnets
Hot Glue Gun (Adult use)
Fold the ric rac in half and hot glue to the felt base.
Loop the ribbon and hot glue in between the ric rack
Hot Glue the button on top
Hot Glue the ‘beak’ felt triangle onto the button
Stick the magnet on the back (even though it was adhesive … I still used Hot Glue stick it on better)
Make a couple orange, a couple green.
I had this old platter turned magnetic chalkboard that I made awhile back. With a little gold sparkly washi tape, I had the perfect Tic Tac TURKEY board!

Katie is the writer and creator of View From The Fridge. She is also the mom to two adorable little boys (and another baby on the way), and wife to a great guy! She loves to craft, decorate, dream up projects for her home, and she’s learning to love to cook (though not there quite yet). She started View From The Fridge in the fall of 2013. Katie also enjoys coffee, a good glass of wine or beer (when she’s not expecting!), running, and anything outside. She lives in Minnesota and takes full advantage of the wonderful (but short) summer season outside with her family.
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