Why Me Coloring Page

This Why Me Coloring Page provides an opportunity to talk to children about not always getting their own way all the time. As adults we often say be careful what you wish for because the results sometimes are not quite what we envision.
Eating a whole chocolate cake could make you sick.
Staying up late, could make you tired and you might be asleep when a friend came over to take you on an adventure.
And we adults sometimes forget that when we give our children everything there is nothing left for them to wish for and isn’t that a shame.
White Paper
Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils
Set the children around a table with their favorite coloring materials.
Give each of them an opportunity to talk about their disappointments and see what conversations evolve.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Jade Dyer is a scientist and practicing psychologist from Western Australia. She created these affirmation coloring pages with her daughter Ruby, to help young people in building their resilience, optimism and emotional intelligence.
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